Kiowa, Colorado, is a charming small town nestled amidst the captivating expanses of Elbert County. Known for its rich native American heritage, this established community of approximately 723 residents (as per the 2019 census) provides a serene retreat from bustling city life. Kiowa's thriving local culture is complemented by the wilderness of the Colorado plains which embellish the town's surroundings, and the unique blend of history and outdoor leisure opportunities make it an intriguing destination for both residents and visitors. Renowned for striking a delicate balance between preserving its history and embracing progress, Kiowa embodies a harmonious coexistence of tranquillity, outdoor adventure, and cultural depth.
McCloskey Big Joe Auto is Kiowa's destination for used cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 6710 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918.